By using a dedicated server, you’ll get a standalone physical server, that is used by you and you on your own. Check out Profesionelle’s video display to check out exactly how the dedicated servers by Profesionelle can benefit your web sites and assignments.

By using a dedicated server from Profesionelle you’ll receive a server, backed up with successful, trustworthy and exhaustively evaluated hardware elements. In this way, we attempt to minimize all probable hardware problems, which can be common with completely new and untried components. At the same time, all dedicated servers are located in the US based data center, that offers unequalled connectivity, power and cooling solutions.

With each of our servers, it’s also possible to opt for the OS. Our company offers CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu, three of the very stable and protected Linux distributions, available. Also, all of them offers substantial support communities, which will help you get rid of any issue you face.

With each dedicated server, additionally, you’ll get a lot of totally free bonuses. You will get 3 specific dedicated IP addresses, a 100% free billing software along with a completely free domain name reseller account. If you choose Debian, you can even benefit from our completely free Website Control Panel, which in turn of it’s own is rich in various free of charge site tools.